The Society will run an indoor lecture programme over the winter 2021/22. Although no restrictions up to the capacity of Tullie House’s lecture theatre will be imposed, attendees are strongly advised to wear an appropriate face mask whilst entering the theatre and moving around once within.
Full details of the upcoming lecture programme can be found here.
For this winter season members will have access to a fortnightly programme of online meetings. These will take place on a Wednesday evening at 7:15pm with a short session on recent records by our Recorder, Guy Broome, followed by the main speaker. Full details can be found here.
With regret, we announce the cancellation of our summer field-meeting programme until further notice.
Being confined to our homes provides an excellent opportunity to look closely at and record the wildlife in our gardens, large or small.
Why not tell us about your garden wildlife on our Carlisle Natural History Society Facebook page. You can post photos for identification or ask questions about your garden wildlife.
The Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre has a simple spreadsheet for recording your observations. There is a link to CBDC on our records page.
If you wish to submit a record go to our ‘Records’ page where you will find our record reporting form.
CNHS – Carlisle Nats – Cumbria Lakeland Naturalists